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Road to Milan Expo 2015 Part 1: What It’s All About

(Photo Credits: Expo Milano Official Site)

(Image Credit: Expo Milano 2015 Official Site)

In case you’re still on the fence over traveling to Italy in 2015, then we’re here to tell you that now would be a fabulous time to go ahead and take the leap, book those tickets, and go on that trip at last. Why exactly? Well, on top of the gorgeous scenery, the rich history and culture, and the expo_milano_milan_2015_Castello_Sforzescofantastic food, one very good reason to be in Italy next year would be the fact that 2015 is when Italy will be hosting what is possibly the biggest international event of recent years, the World Expo, also currently known as Expo Milano 2015.

In this blog post, we’re going to introduce you to what this event is all about, why it is significant, and most importantly, why you should be there!

What is a World Expo/Universal Exposition and Why is it Important?

The World Expo is a major international event that features exhibitors and participants from all over the world. Each expo normally revolves a central theme and other than hosting exhibits, displays, demonstrations and lessons, merchant booths, and various related activities, the expo site is also a venue for open discussion among various international parties regarding important issues that are related to the central theme.

Most importantly, the World Expo is also a venue for the exchange of goodwill among various countries. For periods of time ranging anywhere from a couple of weeks to several expo_milano_milan_2015_crystal_palace_londonmonths, nations or corporations will be exhibiting their work, ideas, and/or products under a single roof, thus promoting cooperation and the exchange of ideas among nations, groups, and individuals. Being able to participate at the World Expo is considered a great opportunity by many exhibitors all over the world, as they will be able to spread awareness about their products or ideas to an international audience.

There is no set amount of time in between Expos (unlike the Olympics which is always set every four years), but each Expo is normally anywhere from two to five years apart. The first official World Expo was held in 1851 at the famous Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London in the United Kingdom, and is more commonly known as “The Great Exhibition.”

The next one after Expo Milano will be in 2017, in Astana, Kazakhstan.

When Is Expo Milano 2015, Exactly?

Expo Milano 2015 is an event that will run for an entire six months. It will officially open on May 1, 2015, and close on October 31, 2015.


So Everything Happens Exclusively in Milan?

What’s so great about the Milan Expo 2015 is that the entire country is involved in its promotion and implementation. As a result, there have been many related sub-events and mini-expos that have been – and still are –being held as early as mid-2014 in various cities in Italy as part of the efforts to drum up publicity and tourism for the main event in Milan in May 2015.

What this all means for you as a visitor is that even as early as now, you’re bound to run into exciting and fun events that are offshoots of the main expo. So, even if you can’t make it during the actual dates of the Milan Expo, you can still get a good taste of it all!

Other than the pre-expo activities, It should actually also be noted that a tandem expo will be happening at Milan’s unofficial sister city, Turin, on the exact same dates as the Milan Expo. Expo Torino 2015 is an extension of the Milan Expo and therefore follows Milan’s central theme. The two venues are connected by the high-speed Expo Express train service, thus making it easier for visitors to hop between the two events.


Let’s Talk About Food, Nutrition, and Sustainability

At the Milan Expo 2015, the main theme of the event will be Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life (“Nutrire il Pianeta, Energia per la Vita“). As the theme title suggests, this year’s World Expo will mostly be revolving around issues regarding being able to provide proper water, food, and nutrition to the people of the world. This is coupled with various dialogues on the issue of sustainability and how to best manage the world’s limited food resources in order to ensure that there would be sufficient food supplies for everyone on the planet for many years to come.

As such, there will be many sub-events, meetings, conferences, panels, lectures, and shows that will be held throughout the duration of Expo Milano 2015 that visitors can attend or even participate in. Booths, expo areas, and merchandise will of course also be following the central theme.


The Mascots of Expo Milano 2015


(Image Credit: Expo Milano 2015 Official Site)

In fact, the event’s mascots further enhance this theme. Designed by Disney Italia, the main mascot, Foody, is a combination of the other food-mascots who are namely: Guagliò the Garlic, Arabella the Orange, Josephine the Banana, Gury the Watermelon, Pomina the Apple, Max Maize the Blue Corn, Manghy the Mango, Rodolfo the Fig, Piera the Pear, Rap Brothers the Radishes, and Chicca the Pomegranate.

For those who are more familiar with classical art, you may recognize that Foody’s design is reminiscent of the portraits and work by the famous Italian (and most importantly, Milanese!) artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo who lived in the1500s.


It Sounds Like a Serious Affair. What’s In It for Me?

Other than being able to participate in one of the world’s biggest events in one of the world’s loveliest cities, all while being surrounded by food, you mean? 😀

Though it IS true that many serious discussions will take place at the Expo, don’t worry because there will also be a ton of events and activities that are designed for the enjoyment of all attendees, locals and tourists alike. There will be various art exhibits that feature the Italian masters, food booths, cooking demonstrations, performances, open air concerts and shows, sporting events, and thematically-related film festivals, just to name a few of the fun things waiting for you at the Milan Expo 2015. It will also be attended by various personalities and theme ambassadors who are composed of writers, athletes, philosophers, entertainers, actors, designers, architects, designers, chefs, musicians, singers, film directors from all over the world, who will be there to show their support for the event and promote the main theme, so if you would like to meet them or hear them talk, the expo will be the place for that.

(Photo Credits: Lisa Boccaccio, Chiara-Asol, Expo Milano Official Site)

(Photo Credits: Lisa Boccaccio, Chiara-Asol, Expo Milano Official Site)

Also, as mentioned earlier, there will be various sub-events and attractions that will be held in other cities (heck, Turin is bringing out the Shroud of Turin for the occasion!) all over Italy. 2015 is the year that Italy puts its best foot forward as it becomes the center of international attention, so rest assured, everyone is pulling out all the stops and you won’t run out of things to do or see in this lovely country.

Now that we’ve acquainted you with this event, stay tuned for the next installment of our series of blog posts about Expo Milano 2015, where we’ll be providing you with practical information and tips to prepare you for your visit!

Continue Reading:

Road to Milan Expo 2015 Part 2: Practical Information

Road to Milan Expo 2015 Part 3: The Expo Grounds



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By Priscila (266 Posts)

Priscila Siano is the Marketing Director of Tour Italy Now, an online tour operator specializing in Italy travel. She's a respected expert on making dream Italy vacations a reality for clients.

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  1. Naseema
    Posted December 6, 2014 at 3:57 AM | Permalink

    I would like to participate. I am a South African living in Istanbul. I am currently writing a book on Italy … Ciao bella. I want to be a part of this event. Just visited the Fiera in Milan … amazing …

  2. blogger
    Posted December 17, 2014 at 12:38 AM | Permalink

    Hi! If you’d like to visit Milan in 2015, we’d be happy to help you! You can call our travel experts at our US number at 800-955-4418 during US office hours, or you can also drop us a message at . Hope to hear from you soon! 🙂

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